A partnership is pertinent to our success in life. On every level there is a need for partnership. It is our prayer that through this ministry, you will find a sense of belonging that will help elevate and expand your life. I want you to partner with me whether it is a one-time partnership or a recurring partnership.
If you feel led to sow a one time seed into our ministry or become a recurring partner, please know your partnership means something to us. Through faith building, letters, conference calls, and annual seminars, the recurring partner gets to experience the benefit that comes through continual connection. Please consider becoming a weekly or monthly partner of AAWLIVE as we purpose together to help people experience the realities of purpose, power, and passion.
Throughout scripture, partnership is a bedrock for the called. It was through partnership that Moses and Joshua led people from Egypt to the promise land. It was through partnership that Elijah and Elisha activated the power of the double portion. It was through partnership that Kings David and Solomon both provided and rebuilt the temple of God, and it was through partnership that Jesus and the disciples turned the world upside down. Through our partnership, we will turn the world inside out. We are AAWLIVE.